Monday, August 22, 2011

Days 176 to 179

As my regular readers may notice, I've been slacking off as of late.... I don't know if it's because I've been over-eating or under-exercising, but the combination has me stalled just under 150lbs. Saturday we picked up a treadmill at a yard sale, though, so hopefully these super warm days will no longer be an excuse not to run, and I will TRY to get my calorie in-take under control. After doing a nearly nude photoshoot (chainmail bikini) yesterday, I sure would like to get these last 14 lbs off!

Monday morning, 149.4 lbs

Question.... how many of you actually read through the food detail? Is it interesting at all? should I keep posting them? In the last 4 days, only Saturday's list even got exported off my phone (the only day I was good), so here it is:

Saturday food detail:
1 serving Golden Corn Vitatops - 100

1 serving Red Robin Natural Burger - 560

1/2 cup slices Cucumber (with Peel) - 8
1 serving Mixed Salad Greens - 20
1/4 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese - 85
1/2 cup pieces or slices Mushrooms - 8
1 tbsp Ranch Salad Dressing - 73
1 medium slice Toasted Garlic Bread - 94

3 servings Coconut Rum - 153
1 serving Milk Chocolate Bar - 210

Total = 1311

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