Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 125

So, it's getting to a point where I have enough calories available, if I don't snack and just have something small for lunch, like a peanut butter sandwich, I can have pretty outrageous things for dinner. Well, outrageous for being on a diet, anyway. We were shopping while hungry last night (dangerous territory) and happened to see in the warm, pre-cooked foods section near the deli where they usually have whole rotisserie chickens and meatloaf they had chicken fried steak. I LOVE me some chicken fried steak. These were a little on the dry side without the gravy (they provided plenty of yummy looking gravy, but I passed on it), but I was able to eat two whole steaks for dinner. I should have had just one, with a LITTLE gravy and some fresh green beans, that would have been much better for me, but I wasn't sure how they would reheat.

And to top that off, I had one of my favorite cookies for dessert. It's really disconcerting to know that I used to eat TWO of those cookies at a sitting now that I have some idea how many calories are in them. I can't be SURE, but they are awful good so I believe the calorie counter that says for their weight, they are almost 400 calories each. Otis Spunkmeyer cookies, my 2nd favorite, are a lot smaller and are 180 each.

Wednesday morning, 152.8 lbs

Food detail:

1 serving Golden Corn Vitatops - 100

1 serving 45 Calories and Delightful Wheat Bread - 90
1/2 serving Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter - 90
1 serving Squeezable Concord Grape Jam - 50

5.2 oz boneless Fried Battered Beef Steak - 461

2.8 oz Chocolate Chip Cookies (with Butter) - 387
1/2 serving Kettle Corn 100 Calorie Pop - 50
1 serving Smooth & Dreamy Ice Cream Sandwiches - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - 160

Total = 1388

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